The goal for the SNAP Companies is to foster a positive, character-building experience for bright, young, motivated dancers. In addition, we provide a pre-professional dance experience, by exposing members to different choreographers, styles, performance venues, and other dancers. This is a group in which your child can excel by being pushed to his or her fullest potential. The successful company dancer will be disciplined with their dancewear, hair, self-motivated to arrive early, willing to practice on their own, and driven to improve every day. They will also be a role-model for younger dancers, be involved at the studio, be a good community citizen, be a great team member, and be kind and generous to everyone.
There are several current levels of SNAP company experience.
On Your Mark Photography
This year, we have seven age groups who rehearse on weekends and fulfill minimum class requirements each week, appropriate with age and level. Each group performs in our year-end story show, and competes and performs around the Chicagoland area. There are minimum Summer dance requirements, so please inquire within.
SNAP Company is for dedicated students who wish to train seriously and compete.
Benefits of participating in one of SNAP’s Dance Companies:
Dance in a Nutcracker or Story Ballet, Competitions (Company only), Festivals, Summer events, Disney Trips, NYC Trips, Master Classes, Parties, Social Service, and More!!!
Auditions will be held on June 5, 2024 for our next season! If interested in participating, please register online and, for more information, call or email the studio directly.
Please note: Participation in Summer training at SNAP is required for all Company dancers. Also, please note that placement in a Company is subject to the staff’s discretion and is NOT by age. There are minimum requirements for class enrollment and attendance, and weekend rehearsals and performances are mandatory. For more information, please pick up a brochure in the SNAP lobby or call the studio, at (847)251-7627 and speak with Ms. Pamela.